BYOD for Mobile Learning Diary

Learning diary of the BYOD for Mobile Learning Intef NOOC.


At the end of the NOOC you will create a lesson plan using Mobile Learning and ask the students to bring their devices to school to work on them.

I have never been a big fan of using mobile devices in schools. I was always very concerned about e-safety and I also believed that phones distracted students – I have actually confiscated quite a few during lessons when students were not supposed to be using them. However, I have recently tried a couple of mobile device activities with my smallest, most reliable groups of students and I have to say I have mixed feelings about their use now. That is why I thought it would be useful to reflect on this issue, research and think about the pros and cons and maybe consider adding the use of mobile devices for learning. I think this course is going to help me do that.

Task 1. SWOT analysis – BYOD for Mobile Learning

Task 2. Example of good practise with mobile devices – Augmented Reality

Source: Pixabay

Final task. Design a lesson plan to implement in your class with your students

Well, this is my finished product. This is the format I would use in my actual lesson. I have just modified a few sections in the original lesson plan:

I have also included a presentation which contains the same information. I have structured it following the NOOC’s rubric to make it more peer-assessment friendly. I hope it makes sense and whoever marks it finds it more interesting than my lesson plan 🙂

Final thoughts

I have really enjoyed reflecting on my teaching practice and I would like to keep researching and learning new BYOD ideas and techniques. I have already tried the Quizlet Live activity and it was really successful. I cannot wait to put into practice the Augmented Reality one. I think my students will really enjoy it!

Thanks for reading!

Licencia de Creative Commons
Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional.

Autor: carmenfortu

Licenciada en Traducción e Interpretación con postgrado en Educación y doctora en Lingüística. No me imagino la vida sin el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de idiomas. Mi objetivo: conseguir que mis alumnos dejen de ver los idiomas como una asignatura y disfruten aprendiéndolos tanto como yo.

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